Tuesday, April 23, 2019

America Behind Bars Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

America Behind Bars - Essay typesetters caseThe attitude of society towards criminals makes it difficult for them to change their ways and lead normal lives once they have been released from prison. This increases the name of repeat offenders who go back in to prisons.Stricter laws and lasting prison sentences have also contributed to the problem. If offenders spend longer times in incarceration for smaller offences, the chances of their being sent to prison again increases leading to a vicious cycle.The Californias prisons hold twice the number of people as they can and this has given to rise to wonderful living conditions inside the prisons for the inmates. This results in physical and psychological ab pulmonary tuberculosis of the already mentally troubled criminals. jibe to Building Blocks for Youth, a Juvenile-advocacy alliance in Washington, children in adult facilities are five times as likely to be sexually assaulted and twice as likely to be beaten by the punitory staff as children in juvenile facilities.A prison gang may be define unofficially as any gang activeness in prisons and correctional facilities. These gangs are responsible, not entirely for providing protection to their members in the prison, but also for drug, alcohol and tobacco handling inside the prison. Robert Walker, an expert on prison gangs, defines a gang as a group of three or more persons who allocate a common identity, usually through a gang name Typically adopt and use certain signs, symbols and/or colours and, Who individually or collectively engage in criminal activity Most studies have focussed only on street gangs. However studies were conducted based on entropy from the Bureau of Prisons by Gerald G. Gaes et al in 2001 to evaluate the contribution of prison gang affiliation to abandon and other forms of misconduct within prisons. The authors of this paper also examined the level of freight exhibited by gang members and how this commitment linked up to the degre e of violence perpetrated by such members. Rick Ruddell et al in their 2006 study Gang Intervention in Jails had as survey respondents 134 jail administrators in 39 states. This study dealt with the prevalence of gang members in their facilities. When asked about the problems that these inmates caused in their facilities, respondents reported that while gang members were less

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